Tender Sapling

the blog


Tender Sapling offers fun, eco-friendly products and ideas designed to help children grow noble — cultivate virtues, world citizenship, and environmental sustainability. Tender Sapling was founded in 2012 in Charlottesville, Virginia, with a humble array of fun designs and eco-friendly products (just a hint of what’s on the drawing board) and a simple goal: to help kids grow noble.

As parents of three children of our own, we are constantly on the lookout for ways to help our own tender saplings grow noble. After wondering, wouldn’t it be great if they made…? we decided to change the They to We.

We draw on our art backgrounds, international experience, and combined thirty years working in education to create each unique design and accompanying ideas to launch learning—learning about oneself, the world, and how to find and create beauty in both. And we strive to make our products and business practices as eco-friendly as possible.

We welcome you to Tender Sapling’s blog. Please share comment and be sure to subscribe to this blog, follow us via RSS feed and on Facebook (where you can find more musings from us, as well as insider deals)! We ask that you please participate with courtesy and respect. We reserve the right to moderate comments. If you choose to use inappropriate language, excessive negativity, advertising, personal contact information (other than your gravatar), etc. your comment may be removed. If you need to contact us, please do so at tendersapling@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to help out.

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